Draft Admissions Policy
Introductory Statement:
The school will occupy a building in the west of South Thames College (STC), subject to necessary planning consents from the local planning authority.
APSoL will be an inclusive school for students of all abilities and from all backgrounds with an open admissions procedure. The school prepares pupils to live in multicultural and multilingual settings and raises their awareness of diversity and the need for respect and cooperation.
Admission Number(s)
The school has an admission number of 60 for entry in the Reception year. The school will accordingly admit this number of pupils if there are sufficient applications. Where fewer applicants than the published admission number(s) for the relevant year group are received, the Academy Trust will offer places at the school to all those who have applied.
Application Process
The school will process applications outside the normal Local Authority process for coordinating school offers. This means you will need to complete your Local Authority common application form for your other choices of school in addition to a separate application for this school. The APSoL application form will be available at www.angloportugueseschool.org/en/apply. Please note that we will not be opening admissions until after the consultation process is over.
The closing date for applications is 15th January 2020.
Offers will be made on 16th April 2020. If we have not entered into a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State for Education by that date, they will be conditional offers and will be confirmed once we have a signed Funding Agreement.
Oversubscription Criteria
When the school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan naming the school, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in priority order:
- Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order.
- Priority will next be given to children based on their exceptional medical or social needs. Each application must include evidence, from a medical specialist or social worker of the child’s need and why they must attend this school rather than any other, based on those needs. If evidence is not submitted to the school with the application, a child’s medical or social needs cannot be considered.
- Priority will next be given to the siblings of pupils attending the school at the time the application is received. Where an older sibling is in Year 6 siblings will not be prioritised under this criterion.
- Priority will next be given to the children of staff who have been recruited to fill a skill-shortage area.
- Priority will next be given taking account of the distance between the applicant’s home address and the nodal points set out below. Distance will be calculated according to a straight line measurement between the front door of the applicant’s home and the main entrance of their nearest node (as the crow flies). In the event that a tie break situation occurs for the distance criteria, a random allocation tie break will be used.
The admissions nodes are:
- Node 1: Main entrance of Anglo-Portuguese School of London, Wandsworth SW18 2PP
- Node 2: Main entrance of South Lambeth Library, Lambeth SW8 1QP
- Node 3: Main entrance of Streatham Hill Station, Lambeth SW2 4PA
- Node 4: Main entrance of Kensington & Chelsea College, RBKC W10 5QQ
- Node 5: Main entrance of St James’ RC Church, Twickenham, Richmond-upon-Thames TW1 4JZ
- Node 6: Main entrance of Mitcham Library, Merton CR4 2YR
30 places will be allocated to Node 1, the main entrance of Anglo-Portuguese School of London, SW18 2PP. Once allocated, any remaining places will be allocated in direct proportion to the number of applications received for each node.
Offers beyond Node 1 will be progressed one admission at a time per node in order to assure an even distribution as far as is possible (the Trust has ensured that no social group will be discriminated against through nodal points used) until a position is reached such that no node has any further applications remaining or until the admission number is reached, whichever occurs first.
Our full Admissions Policy is available at www.angloportugueseschool.org/en/admissions-policy.
If you would like any of the information in a different language or format, please contact us on 020 3417 0905 or email consultation@angloportugueseschool.org and we will assist you.