Design and Technology encourages children to learn and think critically to solve problems independently and as a group. At APSoL, we have planned opportunities for children to develop their creativity and imagination, to design products, making these real and relevant in a variety of contexts.
We aim to link the DT curriculum to other subjects through meaningful and engaging termly topics. The DT curriculum at APSOL provides children with the opportunity to explore design and designers throughout history and across the world, enabling children to acquire rich global knowledge.
At APSoL, we teach Dt through a variety of creative and practical approaches providing the children with knowledge and skills to help them succeed. We feel it is important to teach children elements of the process of design:
Design: using research and developing design criteria that enables them to design and innovate products that are fit for purpose. This will be achieved by generating and communicating their ideas through sketches, cross-sectional diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design.
Make: select from a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks> cutting, shaping, joining. Selecting from a wide range of materials including construction, textiles, ingredients.
Evaluate: investigate and analyse a range of existing products. Evaluate their ideas and improve their work. Understand key events and how individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world.
Technical knowledge and vocabulary: understanding and apply principles of nutrition. Know how to strengthen, stiffen, and reinforce a complex structure. Understand and use electrical systems in their products. Apply understanding of computing to program, monitor and control their products.
In Reception, the teaching of DT is practical, playful and inclusive. Teachers support and challenge in class sessions, small groups and on an individual level.
Inclusion: all children are supported and challenged with their learning needs, through adult support and choice of resources.
By the end of their curriculum at APSOL, all children would have gained coherent technological knowledge and skills and opportunities to become designers of the future. Through evaluation of the past and present in design and technology, children can develop a critical understanding of the impact of various technology products in daily life and the wider world. Children will make informed decisions when researching and making their own products considering impact on the well being of the nation and globally.
In addition to our DT curriculum, enrichment events are an essential part to our art provision and cultural growth. Through these events, the children celebrate the various cultures of the school, our achievements and teamwork. These include:
A DT focus day (STEM)
Showcases for parents every term
Festa Junina (June festival)
Talent show
School displays
Home-learning projects
Click to access APSoL-DT-Long-term-Plan.pdf