Home-School Agreement

On joining APSoL, you are committing to the following Home-School agreement:


What you can expect of our School: 

  • Provide a safe and happy environment where all children are valued, respected and listened to,
  • Provide excellent teaching and an engaging curriculum to meet the needs of all children,
  • Provide as much support as we can to help your child meet their potential,
  • Regularly share the progress of your child, through books, parent-meetings, showcases, progress reports,
  • Support your child to develop a moral and ethical compass for life enabling them to grow up the best person they can be through a values-based education philosophy (School values, Unicef Rights Respecting values and British Values)
  • Achieve high standards of behaviour by providing opportunities for children to develop positive social relationships, self- esteem and sense of responsibility,
  • Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to others, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, gender
  • Respect the confidentiality of information regarding each child,
  • Provide you with information about our school, including relevant policies, email, newsletters, up-to-date website, curriculum information, calendar, events and parental engagement opportunities

What the School can expect of Parents and Carers: 

  • Make sure my child attends school regularly and arrives at school by 8:45-8:55 so that they are marked on time for 9:00am register,
  • Ensure my child is at school on time and every day unless they are unwell,
  • Contact the school before 9am if my child is unwell 0203 417 0905
  • Not allow my child to miss education due to booking holidays during term-time
  • Ensure my child is collected on time every day and inform the school if I’m running late in an emergency,
  • Make sure my child wears school uniform (school PE kit where requested) and is tidy in appearance and hygienic,
  • Inform the school of any concerns or worries that may be affecting my child’s learning, behaviour, ability to do home-learning as this can be resolved with support, ü support APSoL’s value’s based education philosophy by supporting my child to develop a positive attitude towards every member of the school community and beyond,
  • Attend meetings with my child’s class teacher/s and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards moving my child on with their learning, ü attend meetings organised by the school with external specialists where appropriate in order to support my child with all their needs,
  • Support and work with the school to ensure that the behaviour policies of the school are maintained, ü respect the confidentiality of every child, and staff member, ü keep up-to-date with school information via emails, website and newsletters, meetings about my child

What the School can expect of all Apsolings: 

  • To come to school regularly and on time
  • Wear school uniform (Or PE kit on requested days) – be tidy in appearance and hygienic
  • Follow APSoL’s Values philosophy: Calm school code and British values *Use kind actions (be kind to others) *listen attentively (value opinions of others) *speak nicely (use a calm voice when speaking to others, kind words) *move carefully (don’t hurt yourself or cause injury to others)
  • Have a go and try my best
  • Be responsible for my learning at school and at home,
  • Look after the school and all the equipment,
  • Reflect on my behaviour and learn from my experiences,
  • Speak to a member of staff if unhappy or worried.
  • Appreciate all my learning experiences