·                    We teach PSHE and citizenship mainly through Jigsaw. This PSHE programme includes statutory Relationships and Health Education.

·                    We also develop PSHE and citizenship through various activities and whole-school events, assemblies and awards.

·                    We are planning to take part in a ‘Health Week’ where the pupils spend the whole week studying a range of themes (summer term).


Jigsaw 3-11 offers a comprehensive Programme for Primary PSHE including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.

With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw 3-11 properly equips schools to deliver engaging and relevant PSHE within a whole-school approach. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

The Jigsaw progressive whole school curriculum covers year R-6 and focuses on six main areas:

·         Being Me in the World

·         Celebrating Difference

·         Dreams and Goals

·         Healthy Me

·         Relationships

·         Changing Me


Pupils receive a weekly PSHE lesson, delivered by the class teacher.

There is clear progression throughout the year groups that build on previous learning.


·         Positive delivery of Jigsaw lessons

·         Pupils engage positively in their PSHE learning

·        Pupils talk enthusiastically about their learning in PSHE

SEND-SEND pupils will receive their weekly lesson of PSHE. Tasks will be adapted to accommodate their needs.

EYFS-Jigsaw provision starts from Reception (see EYFS Jigsaw plans)

Click to access Jigsaw-PSHE-Primary-Curriculum-Overview.pdf

Click to access Jigsaw-RSE-Overview.pdf