

At APSoL geography is covered in Reception through various areas of learning, in particular, Understanding of the World. From Year 1, the subject is taught through engaging topics, following National Curriculum guidance for each year group (Key stage).


We aim to provide the children with knowledge/rich geography curriculum which will instil a natural curiosity in our children as well as a fascination with the world around them. Our geography curriculum is sequenced coherently so that knowledge is developed through these key areas:

  • Locational geography
  • Human and physical geography


As the children progress in geography, they will link their knowledge together and their understanding of global geography will contribute to their conceptual understanding of place, space and environment. Through our enriched curriculum, the children will also explore additional concepts such as diversity, interdependence, sustainability and change (whole school curriculum overview).



At APSOL, geography lessons include explicitly taught knowledge, using resources such as maps, globes, atlases to support them.

To broaden the children’s geographical understanding, field trips are integrated into the geography curriculum to enable the children to put their learning into practice.



By the end of the geography curriculum, our children will be equipped with a vast geographical understanding and knowledge and the ability to become active participants in a global society. They will be able to talk about where they live, the continents, the world, they will understand the impact of human behaviours on the planet and take global responsibility when considering the environment.


Geography knowledge and skills will be assessed through: learning quizzes, skilful questioning in lessons, evidence of learning in pupil books, home-learning projects,  and pupil voice.

The geography curriculum and provision, will be monitored through lesson observations, pupil voice and quality of pupil work


Click to access APSOL-Long-term-plan-Geography.pdf