Those who have applied for a Reception place at APSoL for this September will receive an email on Thursday 16th April to notify them whether their application has been successful.
Our Trust has signed and returned its Funding Agreement to the Department for Education (DfE). Owing to the COVID-19 crisis, it has not yet been possible for the DfE to sign and seal our Agreement. As per the Academies Act (2010), our Funding Agreement requires a ‘wet’ signature from the DfE and an official governmental seal, which cannot be done electronically. This means that the Reception places we offer on Thursday are conditional on the final signature of the Funding Agreement. We have been assured by the DfE that there are no further impediments to the signing.
An offer made by APSoL for 2020 is in addition the usual Local Authority process. Those who choose to accept an offer of a place at APSoL and an offer at another local school through their local authority can accept both places until we receive our Funding Agreement. Once we have received our Funding Agreement, we will notify all families who have been offered a place at our school, who will then need to make a final decision.
Our Principal Designate Marta Correia and the Reception teachers look forward to speaking to and meeting with parents throughout the spring and summer leading up to our school opening on Monday 7th September. However, due to ongoing concerns around COVID-19, we will be monitoring the guidelines put forward by the Government and the Department for Education around meetings and events and will operate in line with this advice.
Marta Correia would also like to arrange phone calls/one-on-one conversations with all parents interested in learning more about the school, before and/or after accepting their child’s place. We will communicate further details in the decision letters emailed on 16th April.
Finally, as we have a limited number of Reception places still available for 2020, please do spread the word that there’s still time to apply for this September!